Title: Indian River Central High School English Department Lesson Plan
Date: September 11, 2013
By: IRCHS/DPapin
City: Philadelphia
State: NY
Age: 51
Indian River Central HS Domiciles Lesson Plan:
Day #1:
-In class, teacher will display the Domiciles website (via the Smart Board)
-Students will read information on the artist and the Domiciles Project
-Students will look at images of sample doors (those that will not be available for viewing at our school)and brainstorm possible meanings of the doors
-During this brainstorming / discussion, the teacher will direct students’ attention to the literary / artistic elements of theme, characterization, symbolism, setting, imagery, etc…Additionally, the teacher may seize the opportunity to make connections with literature that has been/will be read in class.
-Students will be given the note sheet to be used the following day and the list of project options (for longer-range planning). The teacher will familiarize students with the expectations for both the note sheet and for the final project.
-Student homework will be to visit the website for further investigation. Students should spend time looking at the images of the doors that will be on display the following day. Students may wish to choose the door that interests them the most in order to be more focused the next day.
Day #2:
-Students view the doors and complete the note sheet for the door they have selected to focus on.
-Any additional time could be used for students to gather in groups near the door they have selected for small group sharing of ideas.
Day #3:
-Students will meet with Mr. Tuttle and ask questions
-Any additional time may be spent for group discussions (if time did not permit the previous day) or for initial work on the selected project topic
**Thank you to Mr. Tuttle and to other teachers who have shared their ideas and plans…we have borrowed from several sources!
Domiciles Project Name_______________________________
Indian River Central HS Teacher_____________ Period ________
Note sheet for Door:_______________________________ * Side: 1*
As you look at the first side of this door, what is your very first impression/reaction? How does it make you feel?
What do you notice about the use of color on this side of the door? How do the color choices impact your feeling about the door? Why might Mr. Tuttle have chosen these colors?
Based on your observations, what things can you definitely tell about the character or object(s) associated with this door?
What evidence leads you to these conclusions about the character/object(s)?
What things might you infer about the character/object(s)? What are the clues that make you think these things might be true?
Note some possible symbols on this side. What are they and what might they symbolize?
Do you have any questions for Mr. Tuttle about this side of the door?
Note sheet for Door:_______________________________ * Side: 2*
As you look at the second side of this door, what is your first impression/reaction? How does it make you feel?
Were you expecting to see something like this after viewing the other side or were you surprised? Did this side make you realize something about the first side that you hadn’t realized before?
What do you notice about the use of color on this side of the door? How do the color choices impact your feeling about the door? Why might Mr. Tuttle have chosen these colors?
Based on your observations, what things can you definitely tell about the character or object(s) after seeing BOTH sides of the door?
What evidence leads you to these conclusions about the character/object(s)?
What things might you infer about the character/object(s)? What are the clues that make you think these things might be true?
Note some possible symbols on this side. What are they and what might they symbolize?
Now that you have seen BOTH sides of the door, do you have any questions for Mr. Tuttle about the door?
After viewing the doors, choose one of the following choices to create a project. Use your notes to develop your choice.
- Pick one door, and write a character description of the person/people living in the domicile.
- Select a song that relates thematically to one of the doors. Print out the lyrics, and write an explanation of how the song and door reflect a similar message.
- Write a story about what has happened to the character connected with one door or what might happen to him/her in the future. Remember to incorporate literary devices in your story.
- Write a poem about a character/object from one door or the entire door. Use your imagination and appropriate poetic devices.
- Write an essay explaining how one of the doors relates to your own life. Be specific by providing details from the door and how it connects to your life.