Title: Snapshots
Date: September 20, 2013
By: Kristie L. Fuller
City: Hailesboro
State: NY
Age: 43
Grade Level: Beginning Theatre students
NYS Standards:
Standard 1, Indicators: a, b, c, e
Standard 2, Indicators: b, c
Standard 3, Indicators: a, b, c
Standard 4, Indicators: c
Domiciles Display, Book: Photos That Changed the World (photo: Migrant Mother)
Frozen pictures, tableau
Essential Questions:
What stories can be told through visual art (specifically the Domiciles Project)?
How can those stories be told though creative drama? Tableau?
Learning Objectives: The students will be able to:
Tell a story based on a piece of visual art work.
Attend the display of the Domiciles Project installation.
Choose a set of doors that inspires a story in their heart.
Create a 2-4 minute frozen picture that comes to life based on their favorite panels.
Present their pieces to the class.
Exploratory Phase
Exploratory Activity (Anticipatory set ~ 5-8 minutes)
Ask the students to do a close reading of the following quote by Louis Schmier:
“We each live our stories and
we learn the most from the stories of others.
When you feel alone,
you can find community in stories;
when you weaken, you can find strength;
when you are disheartened, you can find resolve;
when you are down, you can be lifted;
when you feel pain, you can find comfort;
when you tire, you can find new energy;
when you wonder why, you can find inspiration.”
(Louis Schmier)
Journal Prompt: Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not? Give at least 2 examples to support your opinion.
Discovery Phase
Activity 1: Day 1
Using the smart board, display a photograph from “Photos That Changed the World” (Migrant Mother). Encourage the students to brainstorm a variety a possible story ideas to describe what is happening in the photo.
Pair-Share Story: Break the class into groups of two. Ask the pair to write a story (based on the photo) in no more than 5-8 sentences. The stories will be shared as a closure to this activity.
Activity 2: Day 2-3
Students will visit the Domiciles Project display and preview all of the doors. They will bring journals and pens to start writing ideas for their monologue creation, based on the door they are most inspired by.
Students will attend a session with the artist the following day and then use the rest of the class writing more ideas in their journals
Activity 3: Day 3-4
Students will be put into groups of four. Each group will decide on 1 door to work with.
As a group, they will choose one door to work with.
Each group will create a story about their door. The story should have a clear beginning, middle and end.
Activity 4: Day 5-6
After the story is complete, the students will create 4-5 frozen tableaus that represent their story. Everyone MUST be a part of each pose.
After they have practiced transitioning to each pose. Tell the students they will each have to come up with a phrase they would repeat when touched on the shoulder. (Bringing the picture to life). They should have a phrase for each pose that helps to tell the story.
Activity 5: Day 7
Students will perform each of the their tableaus for the class.
Activity 6: Day 8-9
Each group will turn their tableau into a short scene.
Activity 7: Day 10:
Final Performances. 5 scenes will be chosen to be presented at our community presentation on November 14, 2013.
Final Performances using a performance rubric.