Title: Opening the Doors to Infinite Possibilities
Date: October 11, 2013
By: Michael Rabideau
City: Ogdensburg
State: New York
Age: 53
The students will be asked to participate in a viewing of the doors for the Domicile Project. When they arrive in the gallery, they will visit each door and brainstorm a list of images that they asociate with each one on the notesheet the teacher has provided them. The following day will be spent in class discussion, where the students will work in small groups to discuss what they saw or envisioned in the doors of their choice. Each student will then select a specific door and create an original work of literature,which could include a poem, short story, review, essay, critical analysis, etc. The students will submit the works to the teacher, who will critique them and then select the best works that will be taken to the next level. The art teachers and the English teacher will discuss the possible directions the selected students could take to present their works on the websit and at the gallery viewing in the fall. The students may choose to videotape or audiotape their works, or they may decide to present a Power Point presentation that includes their original piece in tandem with some other form of expression. The final results will be viewed on the website or in the fall show in the gallery.