In a perfect world...
Your image would be a second thought, maybe a bonus. As if in someway, the first thing people saw wouldn't be a deciding factor.
In a perfect world...
you could walk down the hall without hanging your head. Without worrying about the way the world envisions you. Without standing in the mirror pointing out every flaw deciding whether or not you're one hundred percent ready to face the opinion of those who haven't even earned the right to call you an acquaintance.
In a perfect world...
The number on the scale would be a portrayal of strictly health. No hearts would sink when they saw the numbers on the scale fluctuate
In a perfect world...
It wouldn't have gotten this far. Young girls wouldn't harm themselves or sacrifice their health trying to achieve the impossibly high standards of the modern society. Young girls wouldn't cringe when they see a three digit number surpassing their perceptions of "Perfect".
But that's just it...
It's not a perfect world. The opinions of others and the standards of the viral world will continue to shape the images that we make of ourselves. The entertainment industry will continue to control the minds of our generations because, for some reason, we've managed to glorify our obsession with becoming who we "should" be, instead of accepting who we really are.
In a perfect world...
This submission, wouldn't even exist.