Title: A Flower...
Date: February 22, 2013
By: Hadley Fulton
City: Rehoboth Beach
State: DE
Grade: 11
School: Cape Henlopen High School
Instructor: Kris Forehand
Door #: Door 8
Lesson Plan #: Creative Response
A Flower….
Could be the tulip you picked for you mom when you were very young
Could be the carnation you accidentally tore out of the garden at five that you just couldn’t move on from
Could be the rose you painted in art class waiting to give your daddy when you got off the bus
Could be a gift on a first date…the nerve-racking moments you just have to await
Could be the corsage on your right arm….the times that you don’t want to step away from
Could be the flowers delivered at your door from your sorority girls
Could be the bouquet you carry as you are soon going to marry
Could be the sunflower you throw on the grave as you bawl your eyes out, being brave
Could be the first flower you buy your baby girl, looking at her shows you have the world
Could be the first flower she gets from a boy, not knowing that it will destroy
Could be the flower she throws in the ground, her tears making a sound
Could be the flower you put in her hair that makes her aware
Could be the flower that her future husband hands to her when they are at the school dance
Could be the flower she gives you when you feel sad, without her dad
Could be the flower she puts on your grave everyday, to say “I love you mom” you’re with me always
A flower is worth a thousand words, whether you take them to heart or not, it isn’t something that is just bought. They are a stepping stone in life. Every flower has a story, ignore it or explore it. Life is worth a thousand words. There are hardships and over joys, but you can’t sit there and wait for life to happen. Give someone a flower, it might change their life forever.